Monday, 18 April 2011

Rajni Jokes

1.  Once Rajanikant decided to stare at the Sun...  
The sun got scared and hided itself behind the Moon...

Later this situation was named as..










3.  Once when shooting on a beach in Tamil Nadu, Rajanikant kicked a stone..
Now that stone is known as










4.  Rajinikant participated in 100 meter race and obviously he came first...
But Einstein died after watching that...









LIGHT came second...

5.Once Rajinikant participated in Moto gp Bike race......





Don't even try to guess wat happened






Rajinikant won d race on neutral gear!

6.  Rajinikanth doesnt breathe. Air hides in his lungs for protection.

9.  Rajinikant went fr a morning walk frm Chennai

and in afternoon police arrested him..










Bcoz he reached USA without permission...

10.  Once Rajinikant bunked a whole day in school..










Since then that day is known as sunday...

12.  Before tom cruise,rajnikant was approached for
the movie "mission impossible"
but he refused






as he found the title insulting

14.  Rajni once taught a child how to play

counter strike and that guy is now








thats rajini mindit

15. Once rajnikant donated blood to a small,thin boy suffering from malnutrition













today the child is known as


18.  Basketball player to RAJNIKANT:
I can spin a ball on my finger for 2 hours ... can u ???

rajnikanth: yena rascala, how do u think the earth spins?? mind it...

20.  Rajinikant once ate an entire bottle of sleeping pills. They made him blink.

22.  An e-mail was sent from Pune to Mumbai








Rajnikant stopped it in Lonavla ... : D

23.  as a kid Rajnikant maintained a diary of day to day activities,
today that diary called as.








Guinness Book Of World Records

24.  once Rajnikant lost his wallet.









since then....

the world is facing recession.

25.  once Rajnikan taught a kid how to enter a house without ringing the doorbell....








today that kid is known as inspector Daya(CID).

26.  Galileo used lamp to study... Graham Bell used candle... Shakespeare studied in street light.... But,
do u know about...















.ONLY AGARBATTI !!!!! (My God)

27.  once Rajnikant hit a six and that ball is known as







Planet Pluto!

28.  Once a boy inserted A CD named rajnikanth
into his PC...
Guess wot...






.His PC started Rotating around the CD rom

30.  Intel's new tag line for its processors ...








"Rajnikanth Inside"

31.  Rajnikant's school time homework is now known as









32.  Rajnikant was caught on d highway for speeding................









While walking

35.  Rajnikant got his driving license at the age of.......








18 seconds

37.  The newly got symbol for the Rupee is actually









rajnikant's signature.

39.  A 22 wheeler huge truck once met with an accident against RAJINIKANTH



Since then,

it is called TATA NANO.

41.  Rajnikanth and Superman once had arm wrestled and the loser had to wear his Underwear over his pants..






We all know who won

42.  Once Rajnikanth saw a poor beggar on road and helped him by giving money. The beggar is now called









'Bill Gates'

43.  Rajnikanth knows that Bingo Mad Angles is tasty from .







which angle.

44.  Rajnikant can make two parallel lines.






. Intersect each other.

46.  Once Rajinikanth was throwing Paper Rockets in the air. The Next day, .







World Trade Center Came Down!

47.  Rajnikanth woke up in the morning and decided that he had to share atleast 1 or his knowledge with the World. Thus..







Google was born.

48.  When Rajinikant croses the Road, the cars have to look







left and right before moving.

49.  After release of Robot, Rajnikanth gave Times of India 3 stars.

50.  Once a person threw an ignited Cigarette up in the sky.
It fell on a planet,

which is now known as


and the person is none other than


51.  Rajnikanth calls VOLDEMORT by his name and Voldemort calls him as "u know who"

Rajnikanth has counted to infinity.... Twice!

Rajnikanth goes to court and sentences the judge...

There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Rajnikanth lives in Chennai...

52.  Rajnikanth kills harry potter in the 8th book.

53.  Rajnikanth's pulse is measured in ...



54.  Rajnikanth knows ...


Who let the dogs out !!! :D

55.  Rajnikanth was practicing for a spelling test... The rough sheet he used is known as ...



56.  Rajnikanth has seen the face of the fat lady who owns the house in ...


TOM and JERRY !! :D

58.  If Rajnikant was born 100 years back, Britishers would have fought to get independence from India !! :)

59.  The ultimate RAJNI fact :

Even GHAJINI remebers RAJNI !!!!!

Rajni Rox !!! :)

60.  People who set CAT paper will have to pass RAT paper from this year onwards.

Yes RAT paper....


Rajnikant Aptitude Test !!! :)

61.   Rajinikanth once ordered a plate of idli in McDonald's,
And got it.

62.  1) There is no such thing as global warming.
Rajinikanth was feeling cold,

so brought the sun closer to heat the earth up..:-P

2) Rajinikanth once had a heart attack...
His heart lost..:-p

3) Water boils faster when Rajinikanth stares at it...:-)

63.  Rajinikanth destroyed the periodic table,
bcoz he only recognizes the element of surprise.

64.  Rajnikanth Did his KG from 7 different schools

Now they are known as IIT's

and finally

65. Once Rajnikanth was asked how he felt about the jokes made on him which were spreading through sms and internet.
To everyones surprise he started laughing and replied-Do you really think they are jokes?


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